In addition to my front-end track on, I have started to tinkering with the back-end stuff. For back-end stuff I have decided to go the Ruby way.
I am inspired to select ruby after watching the ruby on rails tutorial by Mattan Griffels. So first thing is to install ruby on my Linux system aka Ubuntu.
After going through the installation documentations, I came to know that best method to install ruby on Ubuntu is via RVM (Ruby Version Manager).
Benefits of RVM are as follows:-
1. RVM helps in installing multiple ruby interpreters and run-times very easy and consistence
2. Makes features such as gem-sets supported out of the box.
3. We can run different ruby versions in different terminals at the same time and they wont mess up with each other.
To install RVM I fired up my Terminal using CTL+ALT+T
On the prompt typed
gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A
I also wanted to install rails so I added --rails to end of the following command.
\curl -sSL | bash -s stable --rails
Completion of installation of RVM takes a while depending on the internet speed.
On completion of RVM installation to verify it I ran the following command in browser.
type rvm | head -1
It gave me the following output.
rvm is hashed
The output should have been.
rvm is a function.
I was getting this issue because the gnome-terminal was not running the
command as login shell.
The resolution of this issue is very simple.
In the Terminal window menu click on "Edit" menu then > "Profile Preferences" and in the window that appears select the "Command" tab, and check the checkbox called Run command as login shell.
That's it than I again checked by typing the above mentioned command and it worked.
Links below will help in installation of Ruby on any OS.